The Government of Canada has released a new Mulitlateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework. This Framework supports a commitment by Governments to work towards investments to increase quality, accessibility, affordability, flexibility, and inclusivity in early learning and child care, with consideration for those more in need. It is intended to be complementary to the proposed development of a separate framework for Indigenous early learning and child care.
The Government of Canada will make publicly available up-to-date early learning and child care bilateral agreements entered into with all provinces and territories under this Framework, including any amendments, by posting them on the Government of Canada website.
This page presents selected government materials regarding this new framework as well as organizational responses and associated news coverage. We will continue to update this page as new developments occur.
Government documents
Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework
Government of Canada, 12 Jun 2017
"Guided by the following principles, this Framework supports a commitment by Governments to work towards investments to increase quality, accessibility, affordability, flexibility, and inclusivity in early learning and child care...This initiative will build upon existing provincial and territorial investments in early learning and child care and will prioritize investments in regulated early learning and child care programs and services for children under age six."
Historic agreement between the federal, provincial and territorial governments on a Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework
Government of Canada, 12 Jun 2017
"I am very proud that we have now arrived to a successful agreement to help Canadian children and families have access to affordable, high-quality, flexible and fully-inclusive child care." - The Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development
Organizational responses
AECEO response to Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework
Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO), 12 Jun 2017
"While the multilateral framework sets out the first step, the child care crisis across Canada remains at a tipping point. Without stable publically funded early learning and child care, with professionally paid early childhood educators, we cannot ensure that children get the best possible start in life. The AECEO will continue to work collaboratively with our members and sector partners to call for improvements to the framework."
Ten-year framework agreement falls short: Child care advocates vow to push for better
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, 12 Jun 2017
"The federal government’s targeted approach goes against all the evidence that quality child care is critical to the healthy development of all children and that the best child care systems are those designed to be inclusive of all children regardless of their circumstances..."
Multi-Lateral Early Learning and Child Care Agreement long overdue
Canadian Child Care Federation, 12 Jun 2017
"[We] congratulate governments for taking this necessary step, but call for further agreements that articulate a fulsome vision, including a national early learning and child care workforce strategy, and further investments that address the comprehensive and holistic needs of children, families and child care services in Canada."
Inter-government framework agreement on child care not good enough
Public Service Alliance of Canada, 13 Jun 2017
Federal child care announcement falls short
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE), 13 Jun 2017
Liberal child care announcement falls short of growing need
Alberta Federation of Labour, 13 Jun 2017
News coverage