Excerpted from News brief
Canada’s Multilateral Early Learning Child Care Framework Agreement and the bilateral funding agreements between the Government of Canada and the provinces and territories: what do they say and how to they stack up?
On June 12, 2017, the Canadian government announced the signing of a Multilateral Early Learning and Child Care Framework agreement with Canada’s provincial and territorial governments. This agreement set the stage for the negotiation of three-year bilateral agreements (2017-2018 to 2019-2020) that set out how much federal funding for early learning and child care is allocated for each province and territory and generally how that federal money will be spent.
Child Care Now has analyzed the Multilateral Early learning and Child Care Framework agreement and each of the bilateral agreements in order to produce an extensive report on how they measure up against the evidence-based vision for universal, affordable, inclusive and high-quality early learning and child care advanced by Canada’s child care advocates.
We invite citizens to use the report to assess the action plans and to monitor the implementation of the commitments made in each agreement. We hope the report will be useful in pushing both levels of government to make the change in child care that Canada needs.