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Gender-equitable family policies for inclusive and sustainable development: An agenda for the G20

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Camilleti, E. et al.
Publication Date: 
28 Jul 2023



3. Recommendations to the G20

In light of the significant challenge ahead, we suggest a set of three recommendations for G20 member and guest countries.

Make a commitment to advancing gender-equitable, integrated family policies that promote child well-being and gender equality to achieve sustainable development.

The G20 governments are urged to:

  • implement mandatory national policies for paid leave for parents and caregivers in both formal and informal economies; and
  • support and facilitate exclusive breastfeeding for at least six months by providing time and space for mothers to breastfeed as long as they choose.

Increase investments in benefits and services that provide care and support during the critical early years of a child’s life and ensure that resources are distributed equitably to support care and parenting.

The G20 governments are urged to :

  • progressively provide for universal access to affordable quality childcare;
  • gradually implement universal child benefits; and
  • invest in evidence-based family violence prevention programmes.

Ensure sufficient public and private funding and build broad-based political consensus on family policies as a top national priority.

The G20 heads of state/governments and finance ministers are urged to:

  • allocate and redistribute resources towards establishing comprehensive national family policies that incorporate multiple sectors, coordinate diverse stakeholders, and benefit all families, while promoting gender equality and foundational child well-being; and
  • promote widespread political backing for investments in national systems of family policies to ensure their sustainability over time, generate long-term benefits, and aid millions of families globally.