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What do British Columbians think about $10aDay child care?

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Practically four-in-five British Columbians agree that employers benefit from investments in child care cause more parents can go to work.
Canseco, M.
Publication Date: 
27 May 2024



In March 2024, the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC worked with Research Co.[1] to conduct a provincial poll asking British Columbians about their views on $10aDay child care. 


The new provincial poll explores public views of $10aDay child care 6 years after the program’s launch in BC, and 5 years after our last provincial poll. To support comparisons over time, some polling questions are consistent with previous polls.


Summary of Findings

British Columbians continue to strongly support $10aDay child care[2]. Nearly 80% of British Columbians say it’s important for government to continue with its $10aDay commitments and three quarters (76%) think implementation should be moving more quickly. 75% of British Columbians also agree that flexible child care options are needed as more parents today work outside of Monday to Friday 9-5.


At the same time, 84% of BC families with young children report that long waiting lists for child care are still a problem.


Overall, 70% of British Columbians with young children say that government has made child care more affordable for their family, and 88% confirm that they would like to have access to $10aDay child care.


The poll asked British Columbians to consider 17 $10aDay policy recommendations. While the results show that support drops slightly for older age groups, and men relative to women, overall, the recommendations were broadly supported (see charts below).


  • 84% of British Columbians agree it’s important for Early Childhood Educators to earn fair wages for their important work.
  • 81% agree that all elementary schools should provide before and after school care for the children in that school.



  • 90% of young people (aged 18-34) think it’s important to keep building the $10aDay child care system, and 58% say this issue will be vote-determining for them in the upcoming BC election.

​Among older British Columbians,

  • 90% think it’s important for Early Childhood Educators to earn fair wages.
  • 78% think BC’s child care system should help parents who work non-traditional schedules.


On affordability,

  • 85% of British Columbians – and 88% of those over 55 – agree that having children now costs a lot more than it did 40 years ago.
  • 82% agree child care is important to support working parents.
  • 80% agree that single parents have a better opportunity to work when there’s access to quality flexible $10aDay child care.


On the economic impacts of child care,

  • 78% of British Columbians agree that employers benefit from investments in child care because more parents can go to work.


These poll results confirm what we hear from families, educators, and communities across BC. Public support for $10aDay Child Care remains very strong and consistent.
