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CCCF 2024 vision for quality child care in Canada

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Canadian Child Care Federation
Publication Date: 
21 May 2024


The Rights of All Children: Pedagogy Creates Quality Programs

We champion children as valued citizens, with voices that deserve attention and rights to be protected.2 All children have the right to quality learning and care. Upholding children’s rights in Canada paves the way for a high-quality national ELCC system—one that centers the Early Childhood Educator (ECE ) in its design. Well-supported educators will create relevant, lively and respectful spaces for children that honour diversity. Inclusive policies with innovative programs will foster caring societies for children, educators, families and communities. Join us as we collaborate on this vision with governments and all in the ELCC sector to elevate accessible, affordable, inclusive and high-quality services for children and families.

Building Foundations: Investing in Quality Early Learning and Early Childhood Educators

Crafting high-quality ELCC services requires innovative workforce strategies that lay the foundation for safe, nurturing learning environments while also supporting dedicated educators. Our vision is anchored in comprehensive strategies that fully support fair compensation, benefits, education, and a sustainable future for our educators. Investing in Early Childhood Educators (ECEs) and Family Child Care (FCC) providers requires progressive solutions that allocate resources, foster collaboration, and meet the needs of both families and the workforce. The CCCF advocates for public resources to build foundations that allow the sector to flourish, delivering exemplary learning and care environments.
