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‘Big sister’ is watching: A feminist critical discourse analysis of texts supporting the use of live stream video feed technology

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Richardson, B. & Lehrer, J.
Book / booklet
Publication Date: 
27 Aug 2024


Chapter 3: ‘Big sister’ is watching: A feminist critical discourse analysis of texts supporting the use of live stream video feed technology

The project reported on in this chapter raises urgent ethical concerns about the burgeoning use of live-stream video in childcare programs. The chapter contextualizes research in the contemporary Canadian political and organizational childcare context, focusing on the provinces of Ontario and Alberta. It relies on a feminist political economy (FPE) and feminist care ethics (FCE) theoretical framework. The research employed feminist critical discourse analysis (FCDA) of public messaging supporting the use of video streaming technologies on websites of childcare programs and the companies who provide the technology. The results identify the arguments and discourses mobilized to ‘sell’ the use of live-stream video, raising concerns about these technologies rupturing, rather than strengthening, relationships between children, educators, mothers, fathers, and families, and prioritizing surveillance and productivity over consent, engagement, and learning.

From the book "Supporting Early Childhood Practice Through Difficult Times: Looking Towards a Better Future"
