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Child care expansion in Manitoba: Spotlight on the Ready-to-Move initiative

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Child Care Now
Publication Date: 
4 Sep 2024


The Rural Municipalities and Indigenous Governing Bodies Ready to Move (RTM) initiative is a collaboration between the federal and Manitoba governments, First Nations governments, local municipalities, JQ Built (a non-profit Municipal Participation Corporation) and non-profit child care operators, delivering centres that are of modular, hybrid construction, with standardized designs. RTMs are intended to increase child care supply in a short period of time, and to support expansion in small, rural and remote communities


Typically, child care facilities are custom builds, each requiring the services of an architect, builder and project manager. RTM centres have a standard design and are constructed in sections in one common facility, and have a common project management team. They are then transported to their respective destinations and constructed on permanent foundations. Completion of each project takes less than six months, instead of the usual multi-year process of many new builds. RTMs are built to the same construction quality standard as a traditional build.


The RTM initiative provides an innovative solution to the need for rapid expansion of child care spaces, and increasing availability in rural and smaller communities, where it is often challenging to find suitable space. Having a common design and project management process, allows for predictable timelines and costs.

Local municipalities are becoming engaged in the provision of child care, many for the first time. By providing and servicing the land and maintaining the building, they have a vested interest in the centre’s quality and viability. This may lead to further involvement in the future. 

