"From child care market to child care system" article is from the issue Our Schools/Our Selves: Summer 2015 Moving Beyond Baby Steps: Building a child care plan for today's families.
The ChildCare2020 conference aimed to address key challenges faced by Canadian child care, to refect on current research, and — most importantly — to set out a bold vision and a path away from today’s child care patchwork towards a comprehensive national system. The ChildCare2020 vision paper identifes Canada’s reliance on a child care market as “the key explanation for this persistent patchwork”:
Federal and provincial/ territorial child care policy encourages this dependence on markets, fying in the face of clear evidence that public management of child care, including public/non-proft delivery, is a much more efective and fair way to deliver services.
Our mini-plenary session began with the premise that a child care system — not a market that treats child care as a commodity — is fundamental to building full access to the universal, quality child care services envisioned by ChildCare2020. We were asked to address the question: How do we move from child care as a market commodity to child care as a system that treats child care as a public good?