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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Mohun, Jacob; Coote, Anna & Hough, Juliette , New Economics Foundation,  12 Feb 2014 Europe
New Democratic Party of Canada, New Democratic Party of Canada,  6 Feb 2014 Canada
Langford, Rachel & Di Santo, Aurelia, Early Childhood Studies, Ryerson University,  1 Dec 2013 Ontario
Lloyd, Euan, Save the Children, Scotland,  1 Sep 2013 Europe
Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,  5 Feb 2014 Canada
Plantenga, Janneke & Remery, Chantal , European Commission – Directorate-General for Justice ,  1 Sep 2013 Europe
Lee, Young & Barnett, Steven W. (Eds.), Korea Institute of Child Care and Education ,  1 Nov 2013 International
Mathers, Sandra; Eisenstadt, Naomi; Sylva, Kathy; Soukakou, Elena & Ereky-Stevens, Katharina, Sutton Trust,  21 Jan 2014 Europe
Macdonald, David , Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,  28 Jan 2014 Canada
Alexandre, J.M.Y.; Makow, N; Jung, K. & Barnett, W.S., National Institute for Early Education Research,  4 Dec 2013 United States
Oxfam International, Oxfam International,  22 Jan 2014 International
Brooker, Liz & Woodhead, Martin (Eds.), Bernard van Leer Foundation,  22 Jan 2014 International
Manitoba Child Care Association and Child Care Coalition of Manitoba, Manitoba Child Care Association and Child Care Coalition of Manitoba,  15 Jan 2014 Manitoba
Ontario Ministry of Education, Ontario Ministry of Education,  18 Dec 2013 Ontario
Chang, Myung-Lim , Korea Institute of Child Care and Education (KICCE),  27 Dec 2013 Asia
Principe, Cornelia , CBC News,  8 Jan 2014 Canada
Burchinal, Margaret; Vernon-Feagans, Lynne; Vitiello, Virginia & Greenberg, Mark , Early Childhood Research Quarterly,  1 Jan 2014 United States
Toronto Child & Family Network , City of Toronto. Children's Services.,  8 Jan 2014 Ontario
Open Society Foundations, Open Society Foundations YouTube,  20 Dec 2013 United States
Buxbaum, Adi & Pirklbauer, Sybille , Austrian Federal Chamber of Labour,  19 Aug 2013 Europe
Johnson-Staub, Christine , Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP),  19 Nov 2013 United States
Barnett, W. Steven , National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER),  1 Dec 2013 United States
Lawton, Kayte (Ed.), 12 Dec 2013 Europe