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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Jericho, Greg, The Guardian ,  10 Dec 2017 Australia and New Zealand
Escayg, K.A., Berman, R. & Royer, N. , Journal of Childhood Studies,  31 Dec 2016 Canada
Oberhuemer, P. & Schreyer, I. (Eds), Systems of early education/care and professionalisation in Europe,  31 Oct 2017 Europe
University of Calgary, School of Public Policy, University of Calgary, School of Public Policy,  31 Oct 2017 Alberta
AECEO & Decent Work Task Force, Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario,  29 Nov 2017 Ontario
Bennett, J. & Kaga, Y. , International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy,  31 Jan 2015 International
Various, Participaction,  19 Nov 2017 Canada
Various, Various,  14 Nov 2017 Canada
CCPA, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives,  1 Nov 2017 Canada
Polyani, M., Wilson, B., Mustachi, J., Ekra, M. & Kerr, M., Social Planning Toronto,  14 Nov 2017 Ontario
Hewes, J., Canadian Council on Learning: Early childhood learning,  31 Dec 2014 International
Karila, K., Johansson, E., Puroila, A.M., Hännikäinen, M. & Lipponen, L. , Nordic Council of Ministers, Nordic Council of Ministers Secretariat,  30 Apr 2017 Europe
Van Laere, K. & Vandenbroeck, M., Early Years,  31 Oct 2016 Europe
Tucker, J., Roberts, C. & Stirling, A., Child Poverty Action Group/Institute for Public Policy Research,  31 Oct 2017 Europe
Tweddle, Anne, Battle, Ken and Torjman, Sherri, The Caledon Institute of Social Policy,  31 Oct 2017 Canada
Fallon, Kathleen M., Mazar, Alissa, and Swiss, Liam, World Development,  28 Feb 2017 International
Pobal - government supporting communities, Pobal - government supporting communities,  30 Sep 2017 Europe
Ruhm, Christopher J., The Hamilton Project,  18 Oct 2017 United States
Montpetit, Éric, Lachapelle, Erick and Kiss, Simon, Institute for Research on Public Policy,  11 Sep 2017 Canada
Various, Various,  23 Oct 2017 Canada
Swadener, E., Blanchet-Cohen, N., Lundy, L. & Habashi, J., Peter Lang Publishing,  31 Dec 2012 International
Association of Early Childhood Educators of Ontario, AECEO,  24 Oct 2017 Ontario