children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Barnett, W. Steven and Kelley, Pamela J., National Institute for Early Education Research 1 Sep 2002 United States
General Accounting Office, U.S. Government, U.S. General Accounting Office, U.S. Government,  1 May 2003 United States
Keelan, Ellen, Brattleboro Reformer,  12 Apr 2003 Europe, United States
Keelan, Ellen, Brattleboro Reformer,  29 Mar 2003 Europe, United States
Toronto First Duty Research Team, 30 Nov 1999 Ontario
Schumacher, Rachel; Irish, Kate and Greenberg, Mark, Center for Law and Social Policy 1 Apr 2003 United States
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services, Government of Canada,  3 Jul 2003 Canada
Kass, Jamie and Costigliola, Bozica, Child Care Connections-NS,  8 Jul 2003 Canada
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada,  1 Apr 2003 Canada
Barnett, W. Steven, National Institute for Early Education Research (Rutgers University),  1 Mar 2003 United States
Vandivere, S.; Tout, K., Capizzano, J. and Zaslow, M., Child Trends 5 May 2003 United States
Klein, Seth and Long, Andrea, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and The Social Planning and Research Council of BC,  1 Jun 2003 Canada, British Columbia
Shonkoff, Jack and Phillips, Deborah, Zero to Three 31 Mar 2001 United States
Seifert, T.; Canning, P. and Lindemann, B., Human Resource Development Canada 1 Mar 2001 Canada
Statistics Canada, Statistics Canada 13 May 2003 Canada
Paulsell, Diane; Nogales, Renne and Cohen, Julie, Mathematica Policy Research Inc. 13 May 2003 United States
The Avon Longititudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALPSAC) Research Team (Children of the 90's), Avon Longititudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALPSAC), University of Bristol,  12 May 2003
Government of the Yukon, Government of the Yukon,  28 Apr 2003 Yukon Territory
McKey, Ruth Hubbell, U.S. Administration for Children and Families,  1 Jan 2003