children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Government of Alberta. Ministry of Children's Services., Government of Alberta. Ministry of Children's Services.,  25 Sep 2006 Canada
Ferrer, Ana & Gagné, Lynda, Institute for Research on Public Policy,  21 Sep 2006 Canada
Luffman, Jacqueline, Statistics Canada,  1 Sep 2006 Canada
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada,  20 Sep 2006 Canada
SpeciaLink: The National Centre for Child Care Inclusion, SpeciaLink: The National Centre for Child Care Inclusion,  19 Sep 2006 Canada
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,  19 Sep 2006 Canada, Europe
Government of Great Britain. Office of Standards in Education., Government of Great Britain. Office of Standards in Education.,  15 Sep 2006 Europe
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada, Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada,  13 Sep 2006 Canada
Child Care Coalition of Manitoba, Child Care Coalition of Manitoba,  12 Sep 2006 Canada
Reid, Linda, Government of British Columbia. Ministry of Children and Family Development.,  12 Sep 2006 Canada, British Columbia
Government of Great Britain, Government of Great Britain,  11 Jul 2006 Europe
Code Blue Campaign for Child Care, Code Blue Campaign for Child Care,  6 Sep 2006 Canada
Government of Canada. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development., Government of Canada. Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development.,  5 Sep 2006 Canada
Berlinksi, Samuel; Galiani, Sebastian & Manacorda, Marco, Institute for Fiscal Studies,  1 Sep 2006 Latin America and the Carribean
University of North Carolina. Frank Porter Graham Child Development Centre., University of North Carolina. Frank Porter Graham Child Development Centre.,  1 Aug 2006 United States
Doherty, Gillian; Forer, Barry; Lero, Donna S.; Goelman, Hillel & LaGrange, Annette, Early Childhood Research Quarterly,  1 Sep 2006 Canada
Goelman, Hillel; Forer, Barry; Kershaw, Paul; Doherty, Gillian; Lero, Donna & LaGrange, Annette, Early Childhood Research Quarterly,  1 Sep 2006 Canada
Doherty, Gillian, Canadian Child Care Federation,  1 Mar 2005 Canada
Belfield, Clive R., National Institute for Early Education Research,  1 Jan 2006 Canada, United States
Maggi, Stefania; Irwin, Lori G.; Siddiqi, Arjumand; Poureslami, Iraj; Hertzman, Emily & Hertzman, Clyde, World Health Organization's Commission on the Social Determinants of Health,  1 Dec 2005 British Columbia
National Council of Welfare, National Council of Welfare,  24 Aug 2006 Canada
Canadian Council on Social Development, Canadian Council on Social Development,  9 Aug 2006 Canada, Ontario
University of British Columbia. Human Early Learning Partnership., University of British Columbia. Human Early Learning Partnership.,  18 Aug 2006 Canada, British Columbia
Richards, John &; Brzozowski, Matthew, C.D. Howe Institute,  10 Aug 2006 Canada
Albanese, Patrizia, Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology,  1 May 2006 Canada, Quebec