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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Ignatieff, Michael, Institute for Research on Public Policy,  28 Mar 2010 Canada
Various, Atkinson Centre, OISE/UT,  3 May 2010 Canada
Penn, Helen, Nursery World,  10 May 2010 Europe
Shillington, Richard & Stapleton, John, Metcalf Foundation,  1 May 2010 Canada
Kaga, Yoshie, Bennett, John and Moss, Peter, UNESCO,  1 May 2010 International
Active Healthy Kids Canada, Active Healthy Kids Canada,  1 May 2010 Canada
Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations,  1 May 2010 Australia and New Zealand
Izumi-Taylor, Satomi, Samuelsson, Ingrid Pramling, Rogers, Cosby Steele, Early Childhood Research and Practice,  1 May 2010 Europe
Langford, Rachel, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  4 May 2010 Canada
Mikkonen, J. & Raphael, D., The Canadian Facts,  1 May 2010 Canada
TARKI Social Research Institute, Applica, TARKI Social Research Institute,  22 Jan 2010 Europe
Barnett, Steven W., Epstein, Dale J., Friedman, Allison, Sansanelli, Rachel, Hustedt, Jason, National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER),  3 May 2010 United States
Government of Ontario. Ministry of Education., Government of Ontario. Ministry of Education.,  27 Apr 2010 Ontario
Government of Prince Edward Island, Government of Prince Edward Island,  23 Apr 2010 Prince Edward Island
Rutledge, Raquel, Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel,  27 Apr 2010 United States
Fairholm, Robert, New Brunswick Child Care Coalition,  17 Apr 2010 New Brunswick
Canadian Teachers' Federation, Canadian Teachers' Federation,  20 Apr 2010 Canada
Tipper, Jenni (Editor), Vanier Institute of the Family,  31 Mar 2010 Canada
McCall, Robert B., Society for Research on Child Development,  1 Sep 2009 United States
Editor: Oates, John, Bernard van Leer Foundation,  1 Apr 2010
New Brunswick Child Care Coalition & Association francophone des parents du Nouveau-Brunswick, New Brunswick Child Care Coalition & Association francophone des parents du Nouveau-Brunswick,  7 Apr 2010 New Brunswick
CUPE Nova Scotia, CUPE Nova Scotia,  12 Apr 2010 Nova Scotia
Government of Nova Scotia, Government of Nova Scotia,  12 Apr 2010 Nova Scotia
Government of Ontario. Ministry of Education., Government of Ontario. Ministry of Education.,  12 Apr 2010 Ontario