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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Schuller, Tom, Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development,  22 Jun 2007
Moss, Peter & Wall, Karin (Eds.), UK Government. Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform.,  1 Jul 2007
Hodgen, Edith, Government of New Zealand. Ministry of Education & New Zealand Council for Educational Research,  1 Aug 2007 Australia and New Zealand
Campbell-Barr, Verity (University of Plymouth) & Garnham, Alison (Daycare Trust), Equality and Human Rights Commission,  30 Sep 2010 Europe
Hertzman, Clyde & Irwin, Lori G., University of British Columbia. Human Early Learning Partnership.,  1 Jul 2007 Canada, British Columbia
Dukakis, Kara; Bellm, Dan; Seer, Natalie & Lee, Yuna, University of California, Berkeley. Center for the Study of Child Care Employment.,  1 Jul 2007 United States
Daly, Kevin, Goldman Sachs,  3 Apr 2007 United States
Mitchell, Linda; Haggerty, Maggie; Hampton, Viv & Pairman, Ann, New Zealand Council for Education Research,  1 Jan 2006 Australia and New Zealand
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,  1 May 2007 United States
Oates, John (Editor), Child and Youth Studies Group, The Open University, United Kingdom & Bernard van Leer Foundation,  26 Jul 2007
Work + Family Policy Roundtable, Work + Family Policy Roundtable,  9 Jul 2007 Australia and New Zealand
Daycare Trust, Daycare Trust,  1 Aug 2007 Europe
Daycare Trust, Daycare Trust,  1 Aug 2007 Europe
Daycare Trust, Daycare Trust,  29 Jun 2007 Europe
Daycare Trust, Daycare Trust,  24 Jul 2007 Europe
Daycare Trust, Daycare Trust,  1 Aug 2007 Europe
Government of Nova Scotia. Department of Community Services., Government of Nova Scotia. Department of Community Services.,  23 Jul 2007 Nova Scotia, Canada
Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care,  5 Jul 2007 Canada, Ontario
Scott-Little, Catherine; Lesko, Jim; Martella, Jana & Milburn, Penny, Early Childhood Research and Practice,  1 May 2007 United States
Barnett, W. Steven; Yarosz, Donald J.; Thomas, Jessica; Jung, Kwanghee; Blanco, Dulce, National Institute for Early Education Research,  1 Jun 2007 United States
Courchene, Thomas J., Institute for Research on Public Policy,  1 Jul 2007 Canada
University of British Columbia. Human Early Learning Partnership., University of British Columbia. Human Early Learning Partnership.,  20 Jun 2007 Canada, British Columbia
Government of Ontario. Ministry of Children and Youth Services., Government of Ontario. Ministry of Children and Youth Services.,  5 Jul 2007 Canada, Ontario
Government of British Columbia. Ministry of Children and Family Development, Government of British Columbia. Ministry of Children and Family Development,  1 Jul 2007 Canada, British Columbia