children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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City of Toronto , City of Toronto ,  13 Mar 2014 Ontario
DiNovo, Cheri,,  12 Mar 2014 Ontario
various, various,  5 Mar 2014 Canada
World Economic Forum, World Economic Forum,  24 Oct 2013 International
Family and Childcare Trust , Family and Childcare Trust ,  4 Mar 2014 Europe
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  28 Feb 2014 Ontario
Matthews, Hannah & Schmit, Stephanie, Center for Law and Social Policy,  26 Feb 2014 United States
Thompson, Spencer & Ben-Galim, Dalia, Institute for Public Policy Research,  21 Feb 2014 Europe
U.S. -- Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC), U.S. -- Early Childhood Data Collaborative (ECDC),  26 Feb 2014 United States
McDonald, Myfanwy , The Conversation,  25 Feb 2014 Australia and New Zealand
Van Lancker, Wim & Ghysels, Joris , University of Antwerp. Centre for Social Policy.,  13 Dec 2013 International
various, various,  18 Feb 2014 Canada
Government of the Northwest Territories. Departments of Health and Social Services & Education, Culture and Employment., Government of the Northwest Territories. Departments of Health and Social Services & Education, Culture and Employment.,  7 Feb 2014 Northwest Territories
Guardian, Guardian,  16 Feb 2014 Europe
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  12 Feb 2014 Ontario
Friendly, Martha & Ferns, Carolyn, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  6 Feb 2014 Canada
Government of Canada, Government of Canada,  11 Feb 2014 Canada
Mohun, Jacob; Coote, Anna & Hough, Juliette , New Economics Foundation,  12 Feb 2014 Europe
New Democratic Party of Canada, New Democratic Party of Canada,  6 Feb 2014 Canada
Langford, Rachel & Di Santo, Aurelia, Early Childhood Studies, Ryerson University,  1 Dec 2013 Ontario