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Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  30 Mar 2016 Ontario
Inclusive Early Childhood Service System, Inclusive Early Childhood Service System,  28 Mar 2016 Ontario
Doepke, Matthias & Kindermann, Fabian , The National Bureau of Economic Research ,  16 Mar 2016 Europe
Various, Various ,  22 Mar 2016 Canada
Laurin, Isabelle; Guay, Danielle; Fournier, Michel; Bigras, Nathalie; Solis, Anabel & Toussaint, Pierre, Direction régionale de santé publique du CIUSSS du Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal,  1 Dec 2015 Quebec
Twardosz, Sandra, Early Education and Development ,  18 Jan 2012 United States
Davy, Annie , Learning Through Landscapes,  4 Feb 2016 Europe
Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care,  16 Mar 2016 Ontario
Usher, Alex; Williams, Jonathan & Lambert, Jacqueline, Higher Education Strategy Associates,  15 Mar 2016 Canada
Morsy, Leslie & Rothstein, Richard , Economic Policy Institute,  6 Aug 2015 United States
Africa Population and Health Research Center , McGill ,  7 Apr 2015 Africa
Butrymowicz, Sarah & Mader, Jackie, The Hechinger Report ,  13 Mar 2016 United States
Various, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ,  9 Mar 2016 Canada
Samman, Emma; Presler-Marshall, Elizabeth; Jones, Nicola; Bhatkal, Tanvi; Melamed, Claire; Stavropoulou, Maria & Wallace, John, The Overseas Development Institute (ODI),  8 Mar 2016 International
Lambert, Brittany & McInturff, Kate, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ,  7 Mar 2016 Canada
Lahey, Kathleen A., Parkland Institute ,  7 Mar 2016 Alberta
Childcare Resource and Research Unit, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  7 Mar 2016 Ontario
Bromer, Juliet; Van Haitsma, Martha; Daley, Kelly & Modigliani, Kathy, Herr Research Center for Children and Social Policy Erikson Institute ,  1 May 2009 United States
Campbell, Mhairi; Thomson, Hilary; Fenton Candida & Gibson, Marcia, BMC Public Health,  25 Feb 2016 International
Start Strong, Start Strong,  15 Feb 2016 Europe
Deloitte Access Economics, Secretariat of National Aboriginal and Islander Child Care,  24 Feb 2016 Australia and New Zealand
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC), Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC),  18 Feb 2016 Canada
Statistics Canada , Statistics Canada ,  23 Feb 2016 Canada
Klein, Seth & Yalnizyan, Armine , Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives ,  10 Feb 2016 Canada