We would like to learn from you: Inclusive Early Childhood Service System Project

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1-833-671-8003 or 416-979-5000 ext. 7637
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Is your child younger than school-age?

Do you want to talk to a researcher about your experience with getting support for your child? Examples of support include:  

- A resource consultant

- Autism support services

- Speech and language  

- Behavior supports

- Physical therapy

- Mental health services

- Occupational therapy

- Indigenous family supports

- Other advice or assessment related to your child’s growth or development

If you have used (or are waiting for) any of these services we would like to hear about your experience. The Inclusive Early Childhood Services System Project wants to learn from what you know about getting support for your child. The study hopes to learn more about how early childhood services are meeting the needs of children with “atypical development”, “special needs”, “disability”, or “gifts”. Participation in the study is voluntary and involves:

-   A 1.5 to 2 hours interview that will be audio-recorded.

-  Child care and/or translation if needed

-  The opportunity to participate in an interview once a year for 3 years in the preschool

    phase, with the opportunity to join the school-age study

-  A thank you gift for your time (value $30)

*NOW RECRUITING PARTICIPANTS in Toronto (ON), Hamilton (ON), Wellington County (ON), District of Timiskaming (ON), Constance Lake First Nation/Hearst (ON), Brandon (MN), Comox Valley (BC)

If you would like to join our study or find out more information please contact the project office at, inclusion@ryerson.ca, 1-833-671-8003 or 416-979-5000 ext. 7637. www.InclusiveEarlyChildhood.ca

This project has been reviewed and approved by the Ryerson Research Ethics Board, REB#2014-344