Status quo in child care is no choice
In response to Minister Schulz’s “A truly universal child-care plan would meet the needs of all families,” I respectfully disagree. As a born Albertan, national child-care policy researcher and loving auntie to a Red Deer six-month-old requiring non-standard hours care, I note that the federal government is offering to help lower parent fees in all types of licensed/regulated child care, including day homes and preschools.
This would right away affect one in five, not one in seven, children. Additionally, Ottawa is offering provinces help in expanding not-for-profit services so many more Albertans can access better quality child care. Reliance on poorer-quality for-profit childcare is not unique to Alberta; five other jurisdictions have larger for-profit sectors. Finally, the idea of choice by continuing the status quo is really no choice for parents.
Alberta families aren’t unique in their need for good quality, affordable and accessible child care. This comes — wherever the jurisdiction — from building an excellent quality affordable system offering parents equitable options in their community.
Sophia Mohamed, Markham, Ont.