July 8, 2021 For Immediate release:
Child Care News Delivers Big Win for BC Families and Economy
Today’s announcement confirms an Agreement between the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada for substantial new federal funding for child care. This $3.2 billion investment over 5 years is a very positive step forward for faster implementation of $10aDay child care. We applaud Premier John Horgan and his government for remaining committed to the core principles of the $10aDay Plan: affordability for BC families, access to high quality care and well supported, equitably compensated early childhood educator (ECE) professionals.
- By the end of 2022, British Columbians will see a 50 per cent reduction in average parent fees for children under the age of 6 in licensed child care
- This agreement will lead to the creation of 30,000 new licensed early learning and child care spaces for children under the age of 6 within five years, and 40,000 spaces within seven years
- All new spaces will be focused on community investments that are long-term and run by public and non-profit providers
- The compensation and working conditions of those working in child care will be improved and made equitable through a provincial wage grid
“The advancement of a universal child care system in Canada is a nation building moment for our country. Today we are celebrating a positive Agreement that supports Premier Horgan to deliver on his recent election commitments to bring $10aDay child care to more families”, said Sharon Gregson, spokesperson for the $10aDay Plan. “We are particularly pleased to hear a commitment to create 12,000 more $10aDay child care spaces in the next two years. If government begins to transition existing non-profit and public programs to $10aDay, families will see this benefit immediately.”
At the heart of universal, $10aDay child care is a focus on equity - for the people delivering child care, for families who are struggling with child care and for women who bear the brunt of these challenges. The $10aDay child care system will remove one of the biggest causes of stress for families with young children and we remain committed to holding governments accountable to make all their child care promises a reality in a timely and effective way. We look forward to ongoing opportunities to share lived expertise and evidence-informed advice as implementation proceeds.
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The $10aDay Child Care Plan was developed by the Coalition of Child Care Advocates of BC and the Early Childhood Educators of BC. Grounded in research and evidence, the popular and broadly supported $10aDay Plan is informed by policy lessons from other jurisdictions and ongoing consultation province-wide.
Sharon Gregson $10aDay Child Care Campaign 604-505-5725 sgregson@telus.net
Lynell Anderson CPA CGA 604-313-6904 lynellanderson74@gmail.com