Child Care Now
Fact sheet
Publication Date:
25 Aug 2021
Election 2021 commitments: what child care advocates want
The 2021 federal election could either accelerate the federal government’s progress in building a universal Canada-wide system of early learning and child care or bring it to a screeching halt. Child care advocates are seeking the following specific child care policy commitments from each of the main political parties and from candidates.
- Build a publicly funded and managed Canada-wide system of universally accessible, high quality, affordable, inclusive early learning and child care
- Federal spending of $34 billion over the next five years as set out in the 2021 federal budget
- Implement the Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care Framework Agreement
- Honour the signed child care agreements and reach similar agreements with remaining provinces and territories
- Earmark federal capital funding to support expansion of the Canada-wide child care system and ensure these federally funded assets are publicly owned
- Federal legislation to strengthen and protect a Canada-wide system of early learning and child care