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Some daycares want out of $10/day childcare plan

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Morris, Siobhan
Publication Date: 
8 Oct 2024


Siobhan Morris reports on several parents with children in for-profit child care receiving letters that the centres may pull out of the $10/day national child care plan, which could result in parent fees doubling. Private, for-profit child care operators are considering pulling out of the $10/day plan in response to a new funding formula that will take effect in January 2025. Child care advocates recognize that the transition to the new funding formula may come with challenges but to put the program at risk is not reasonable. Carolyn Ferns, from the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care, shares that for-profit child care centres are intentionally pushing back on the government program through parents, as they want the option to increase fees. The Ontario provincial government is asking to lift the cap on for-profit providers, while the federal government stands firm, recognizing the harm in privatizing care. Parents are asking all levels of government to work together.
