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Social determinants of health: Canadian perspectives. 4th edition

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Raphael, D
Book / booklet
Publication Date: 
1 Jan 2025


Chapter 9: Early childhood education and care as a social determinant of health 

Martha Friendly considers how ECEC programs fit into a social determinants of health perspective, beginning with their goals for children and families. She then considers factors that affect how Canada shapes delivery and scope of social programs, and how ECEC has developed in Canada up the present time, including the 2021 historic shift in Canada's approach to ECEC policy and provision. Friendly then uses a framework developed in a comparative policy review by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to examine how Canadian ECEC is changing and evolving under the new policy and fiscal arrangements to consider whether, and how, these changes can make a difference from a social determinants of health perspective.

From the book "Social determinants of health: The Canadian facts. Fourth edition"
