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National Party Senator for NSW Sandy Macdonald has recently welcomed the approval of $18,096 in Disadvantaged Area Subsidy funding for the Guyra Long Day Care Service.
Senator Macdonald said the funding was recently approved by Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Larry Anthony, to ensure that families in and around Guyra have access to quality day care services.
"Disadvantaged Area Subsidy funding will help the Guyra Long Day Care with the general costs of operating the services. The funding is vital to ensure children up to the age of six years in rural and remote areas have access to child care services," Senator Macdonald said.
"The Coalition Government is committed to supporting day care places in regional and rural areas and this additional funding is critical in keeping the services viable and operational."
"Families rely on child care to help them balance the demands of work and family, and in regional areas where there are fewer child care options, it is important that the services in these areas are given additional support if required."
"This funding demonstrates the Coalition Government's commitment to providing quality, affordable child care services for all Australian families regardless of where they live," Senator Macdonald said.
According to Guyra Preschool Director Kylie Newby, the Guyra Preschool staff and committee will soon be meeting together to discuss the possible uses of the funding.
-Reprinted from The Guyra Argus.