Vision into practice: Making quality a reality in the lives of young children

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Dublin Castle Dublin ,
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This conference is aimed at practitioners, policy makers, parents, academics, students and anyone with an interest in early childhood care and education (ecce). It will provide a valuable opportunity for all those working with young children to actively participate in a dynamic forum which will address key questions of quality in practice. This is a chance for delegates to share information and experiences of practice; to discuss and debate current research findings; to exchange innovative policy approaches and to network with others who are committed to making a positive contribution to provision of quality early childhood experiences for all children.

Keynote Speakers:

- Jacquie Roberts is Chief Executive of the Scottish Care Commission which regulates and inspects all care standards in Scotland.

- Paavi Lindberg is a Senior Planning Officer at the STAKES National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health in Finland. STAKES conducts research on living conditions among children, the prerequisites for children's development, the position of families with children, and family policy.

- Brenda Taggart is Principal Investigator and Research Coordinator for the Effective Preschool and Primary Education 3-11 (EPPE 3-11) project, based in the Institute of Education in the University of London. The EPPE Project is a longitudinal study funded by the DfES investigating the effectiveness and long-term impact of preschool provision.

- Prof. John Coolahan, educationalist, author and former Professor of Education at NUI Maynooth, has been extensively involved in the development of educational policy in Ireland.

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