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Budget 2009 confirms federal government satisfied with Canada's last-place international ranking on child care

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Press release from the CCAAC
Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada (CCAAC)
Press release
Publication Date: 
28 Jan 2009

Excerpts from press release:

"Today's budget makes it perfectly clear that the federal government is happy with its last place ranking on the international child care scale. While Federal Budget 2009 specifically earmarks millions of dollars to make our internationally renowned banking system even stronger, it contains nothing to address the internationally recognized crisis in child care services across the country."

"When you have lost your job and can no longer afford child care to study or look for work, how is a tax cut going to help you? From the United Nations to the OECD, Canada has been repeatedly chastised for its failed child care policies and their impact on women's equality and healthy child development. And now, it's more of the same."