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It takes a nation to raise a generation: Time for a national poverty reduction strategy

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2007 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty in Canada.
Campaign 2000
Publication Date: 
22 Nov 2007
PDF icon 2007 Report card on child and family poverty in Canada.pdf539.38 KB

Description: Campaign 2000 has released the 2007 Report Card on Child and Family Poverty, revealing that 18 years after the 1989 all-party resolution of the House of Commons, the child poverty rate is exactly the same. Despite a growing economy, a soaring dollar and low unemployment, Statistics Canada data show: - 788,000 children &em; 11.7% - live in poverty - A job alone is not enough. 41% of low-income children live in families where at least one parent works full-time all year, and the family still lives in poverty. - The risk of living in poverty is not the same for all children. Poverty hits children in racialized, First Nations and recent immigrant communities much more often.
