Co-constructing professional learning: Pathways to quality, equity and, respect for diversity in ECEC

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15 Oct 2012 - 12:00am to 17 Oct 2012 - 12:00am
Milenij Grand hotel 4 opatijska cvijeta
V.C.Emina 6
51410 Opatija ,

The conference will explore in an interactive manner innovative ways of professional learning that can empower ECEC workers in their search for quality, equity, and respect for diversity. In this context we will look at examples of interesting practices that illustrate innovative approaches to professional learning that empowers ECEC practitioners working with children in increasingly challenging, diverse, and uncertain contexts.

The conference format itself will model the principles of a learning community through the following key pillars for shaping the conference:

  • participants' active involvement in discussions
  • encouragement of critical reflection
  • knowledge creation through the exchange of diverse experiences and expertise in ECEC


Call for propsals


1. Pathways for positioning the ECEC profession in increasingly challenging contexts

We are witnessing growing demands on the ECEC professionals working with young children and their families: from dealing with increasing diversity to facing the consequences of families living in poverty, from expanding their competences beyond teaching to reaching communities and building professional networks, from investing in their professional growth to advocating for the reputation of their profession. What is really expected from ECEC professionals to know and be ready to do in a changing world that redefines childhood and puts increasing pressure on professionals' roles?

2. Systemic approaches to professional learning as a pathway to quality, equity, and respect for diversity

Recent studies are demonstrating that 'competence' in the ECEC context has to be understood as a characteristic of the entire early childhood system, rather than as an individual practitioner's set of skills, knowledge, and attitudes. A key factor of such a systemic approach to professional learning is how such a competent system supports individuals in realizing their capabilities for developing responsible and responsive practices that meet the needs of children and parents, especially those who live in dificult circumstances.

3. Pathways for co-constructing early childhood theory and practice - empowering learning communities

Learning communities can play a key role in increasing the competences of professionals, parents, and children on different levels. They can be places where pedagogical theory and practice are critically analyzed and where new pedagogical knowledge and practice are constructed by empowering different voices and views to contribute to the dialogue. Learning communities can be the open learning space where governmental and non-governmental agencies can work together, where practitioners, parents, experts, policymakers, and researchers can build on their specific expertise to create better chances for young children and their families to access and benefit from high quality ECEC.

Conference Enquiries

Contact Person for logistical issues: Ms. Ivana Vahcic, Globtour Event
Contact Person for other questions: Ms. Eva Izsak, ISSA:
Contact Person for abstract submission: Dr. Jan Peters, DECET:

