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Co-op daycare project seeks land from town

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Bay, Julienne
Publication Date: 
27 Apr 2015



A co-op daycare project is seeking support from the Town of Port aux Basques.

Cory Munden, one of the organizers, made a presentation to council April 21, listing the benefits of better childcare services. There is a dire need for a daycare centre, as there are currently more than 60 parents waiting to use such services, he said.

Munden said those involved in the project are looking at the land beside St. James Elementary. The location is ideal, as it would enable the daycare to share the school's playground and those attending afterschool programs wouldn't have to travel far from school, he said.

The land is currently owned by Newfoundland and Labrador English School District (NLESD), which is willing to transfer the ownership to the daycare. The land was previously owned by the Town of Port aux Basques and according to the agreement between the two parties, the school board can't transfer the land to another party without the town's agreement.

Munden asked for the town's co-operation in the land transfer process as soon as possible. The committee is currently exploring building style options and getting a quote, Munden said.

A public meeting was held in February to assess the need for a local daycare, and to see how many residents are interested in a co-operation model. A co-op daycare, owned by the parents using the service, would enable them to form a committee and cater services to fit the community, while cutting costs.

Port aux Basques Mayor Lloyd Mushrow said all the involved parties agree and the only thing needed is a motion passed by council, which will happen in the next few weeks.

Ken Morrisey, NLESD spokesperson, said NLESD always looks to work with communities to benefit the students. The potential land transfer would have to made with the municipality, which must be approved by Board of Trustees with the next meeting scheduled for June 6, he said.

- reprinted from The Gulf News
