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Tax plan could create 7 thousand new jobs in childcare

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Van Jaarsveldt, Janene
Publication Date: 
7 Jul 2015



The government’s intention to invest an extra 250 million euros in childcare as part of the new tax plan, could create 7 thousand childcare jobs in the Netherlands.

This is according to the childcare trade association, NRC reports. The trade association commissioned a study buy Buitenhek bureau, which expects that 50 thousand working parents will start making use of childcare if the costs are lowered.

The trade association will use this study to try and convince the government to invest even more money into childcare. They believe that this would create another 6 thousand jobs.

The government’s objective is to create 35 thousand new jobs in the coming years. If the investment in childcare really yields 7 thousand jobs, this industry will be responsible for 20 percent of the government’s target.

-reprinted from NL Times 
