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The #WithinReach campaign: It’s time to put high-quality child care and pre-k within reach

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Publication Date: 
18 Nov 2015


About the #WithinReach campaign 

In the two years since President Barack Obama announced a proposal to expand preschool, early childhood policy has received much needed attention. New important federal investments have been made and numerous state and local initiatives have begun, yet millions of families continue to struggle with the skyrocketing high cost and pervasive low quality of child care and pre-K. As the nation looks toward its next slate of leaders in 2016, the Center for American Progress today launched the “WithinReach” campaign to elevate and create momentum around the need to put high-quality child care and pre-K within reach for kids, for families, and for the economy as part of the national debate.

The campaign’s website,, features a sign-on letter to urge candidates and policymakers to prioritize early childhood; an interactive map showing how out of reach child care and pre-K are in every U.S. state; a video; an action toolkit; a guide to engage candidates; click-to-share graphics for social media; and news and updates.
