Early childhood education and care in Canada 2023: Summary and analysis (EN & FR)

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Title page of the publication with photos of children.
Childcare Resource and Research Unit
28 Aug 2024
ISBN 978-1-896051-84-0

Available for download in pdf

Early childhood education and care in Canada 2023:  Summary and analysis 

Services éducatifs et de garde à l’enfance au Canada 2023 : Résumé et analyse

Early childhood education and care in Canada 2023

Executive summary 

This summary of key findings about early learning and child care in Canada is based on Early Childhood Education and Care in Canada 2023 and its previous editions from 1992 to 2021. Based on these sources, key findings of interest are summarized and analysed. It includes summary and analytical information on selected aspects of early learning and child care in Canada covered in the main report: Canada-wide developments; parent fees and affordability; accessibility, expansion, and coverage; ownership of child care services; the child care workforce; and public funding for regulated child care.

ECEC in Canada 2023 is the Childcare Resource and Research Unit’s 14th Canada-wide report on early childhood education and care (ECEC). This version is a shorter, mostly-numbers version of the more comprehensive reports that make up most of the series. It provides 2023 data on early learning and child care in Canada including a section on each province and territory, 21 comparative tables, a short section on the state of ECEC in Canada in mid-2024, and data sources.

The next comprehensive version of the report, ECEC in Canada 2024, including detailed policy information and 2024 data, will be published in 2025.

Table of contents

Canada-wide developments
Parent fees and affordability
Accessibility, expansion, and coverage
Ownership of child care services
The child care workforce
Public funding for regulated child care

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ECEC in Canada