CCAAC at the People's Social Forum

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22 Aug 2014 - 4:30am to 23 Aug 2014 - 7:00am


The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada will present a workshop on child care as a women's equality issue at the People's Social Forum Women's Caucus in Ottawa. This workshop will look at how child care supports women and their families and participants will be invited to consider how comprehensive, affordable, quality child care is essential to women's equality and how to make child care a priority issue for the 2015 federal election.

Date: August 22, 2014
Time: 4:30 - 6:00 PM
Location: Thomson Building RM 133

Dominique Arbez, CCAAC Manitoba representative, will be speaking on behalf of the CCAAC at the Public Services Assembly.

Date: August 23, 2014
Time: 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: Arts 033
