Affordable child care: Why not now?

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22 Apr 2015 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm


McLaughlin College Jr Common Rm O14 York University
4700 Keele St.,York University

Keynote Speaker:

OLIVIA CHOW, Former Member of Parliament and Toronto City Council, Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ryerson University

(Copies of her book "My Journey" will be available for signing!)

Featured Speakers:

LAUREEN WATERS, Aboriginal Elder

DR. ANDREA O'REILLY, Professor, School of Women's Studies

DAVID LEYTON-BROWN, Master of McLaughlin College

Please RSVP: Lorraine Myrie at 416-736-2100 x 33825 or

*Refreshments will be served. Limited child care subsidies available*

Please contact Nadia at to request a childcare subsidy