Talk it Up for Child Care

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13 Sep 2015 - 12:00am to 20 Sep 2015 - 12:00am


September 13th - 20th communities across Canada will Talk it Up for Child Care.

We want to keep child care on the federal election agenda. Get involved and help push for a national plan for quality affordable child care in this federal election.

The Talk it Up Week of Action will centre around the I Vote Child Care Pledge  and features a number of Canada-wide events such as, Grandparent's Day on September 13th, Art Attack day on September 16th to coincide with a #VoteChildCare2015 Twitter Storm on the same day. 

Local child care supporters across the country are busy organizing exciting events during the week of action such as: Vote Child Care canvassing & training sessions, setting up Vote Child Care tables at local farmer's markets, pop-up voting stations and all candidates' debates.

Visit to find out how you can get involved! 
