Income Inequality and the Future of Canadian Society

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30 Oct 2015 - 9:30am to 1:30pm


University of Toronto's Sociology department presents the S.D. Clark Symposium on the Future of Canadian Society: 

Income Inequality and the Future of Canadian Society.

9:30 am Refreshments

10:00 am Opening Remarks by Robert Brym,
S.D. Clark Chair of Sociology, U of T

10:15 – 12 noon TAX POLICY

  • Robert Andersen Dean of Social Science,
    Western University
    "Can Canada learn from Europe? Policies to promote low market income inequality and high prosperity”
  • Lars Osberg McCulloch Professor of Economics,
    Dalhousie University
    "How much can income tax on the top 1% be raised?"
  • John Myles Professor Emeritus, Sociology,
    U of T, Discussant

1:30 – 3:30 pm GENDER POLICY

  • Ito Peng Professor of Sociology and Social Policy,
    U of T
    "How welfare state policy can contribute to gender equality: a comparative perspective"
  • Gordon Cleveland Senior Lecturer, Management,
    U of T Scarborough
    "The role of early childhood education and care in an equality agenda"
  • Emily Laxer PhD candidate, Sociology,
    U of T, Discussant