Shaping our Future: Innovation, leadership, and advocacy in early learning and child care

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16 Sep 2016 - 5:00pm to 17 Sep 2016 - 4:30pm


Shaping our Future: Innovation, leadership, and advocacy in early learning and child care 

In 2016, the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO) and the Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC) continue to work collaboratively in the best interest of Ontario’s Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) sector. We're also working with community partners like the Early Childhood Education Faculty Forum and the Ontario Trillium Foundation.  We are excited to announce our 2016 provincial conference, Shaping Our Future: Innovation, Leadership, and Advocacy in Early Learning and Child Care. 

Shaping Our Future is an exciting opportunity to celebrate the ELCC community and to share knowledge and experiences to help move our sector forward in Ontario. The conference’s themes are local innovation, leadership and advocacy. The ELCC sector is known for delivering vital programs that support children and families. We know that communities, programs and early childhood educators continue to provide these essential services even in the midst of system and funding changes. That is why we want to give front-line ECEs, child care workers, and all professionals who support children and families the opportunity to share their important work with colleagues and to learn about the most exciting and innovative practices in our field.

When: September 16-17, 2016
Where: Ottawa Marriott Hotel

Please click here for more information and to register.