Call for Mentees: Early Learning and Child Care Human Resources Innovation and Decent Work Group

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31 Dec 2019 - 12:00am
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The Ontario Coalition for Better Child Care (OCBCC), in collaboration with the Association of Early Childhood Educators Ontario (AECEO), was recently awarded a federal innovation grant to lead a project on Early Learning and Child Care Human Resources Innovation and Decent Work. In the first phase of our project, we recruited a National Network of ELCC stakeholders and held a collaborative problem-solving event to develop and incubate innovative wise practices, HR tools and advocacy strategies to address current staff recruitment and retention issues faced in the ELCC Sector. The second phase of our project is to create mentorship pairs that will pilot these wise practices and HR tools. 
We are currently recruiting "Mentees" from across Canada to pilot innovative decent work practices and HR tools at their centre over a 3-4 month period, with the support of a mentor. Our cross-Canada mentors bring diverse experiences as leaders in child care centres, including at Aboriginal Head Start, Montessori, minority language, and Early Years/family resource programs.
Menteeship is voluntary, however, there is a $500 honorarium associated with mentorship participation.  If you are interested in becoming a Mentee, or would like more information, please contact the OCBCC at