ECEC Centres as a Workplace in International Comparison: Results from the OECD TALIS Starting Strong Survey

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24 Jun 2021 - 3:30am to 8:30am
Online, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) ,
Contact name: 
Carolyn Seybel
Contact phone: 
+49 89 62306-264
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Many countries face the challenge of attracting and retaining well-qualified staff. The first international large-scale survey of ECEC leaders and staff (OECD TALIS Starting Strong Survey 2018) shows on the one hand, along with findings from other studies, that ECEC professionals are highly motivated and satisfied with their work. One the other hand, they also report difficult working conditions such as a lack of resources (e.g. finances, materials, time for reflection or preparation), an unfavourable child-staff-ratio, or a high workload. Staff shortages increase the burden on working staff and jeopardise the attractiveness of the occupational field as well as the quality of pedagogical work. Even if there are national and international initiatives in place to make the workplace more attractive, it is necessary to investigate whether the existing measures to improve working conditions in the field of ECEC are adequately aligned with the needs of ECEC staff and how they relate to the quality of professional practice in the ECEC setting.

  • The International Centre Early Childhood Education and Care (ICEC) at the German Youth Institute invites you to discuss the following questions together with national and international stakeholders from politics, research and practice at the conference:
  • How do working conditions of staff and leaders differ internationally?
  • Which factors can be identified that endanger or promote the quality of professional practices in ECEC settings?
  • How can centre leaders support their pedagogical team in their work?
  • Which strategies and approaches to further improve working conditions are developed in other countries and what can be learned from international comparison?

Conference languages are German and English, presentations will be translated simultaneously. Attendance of the conference is free of charge. After registration, participants will receive a personalised link to access the event.

Read the full program

About the International Centre Early Childhood Education and Care (ICEC)

The International Centre Early Childhood Education and Care (ICEC) was established at the DJI in 2012. Its work includes observing international childcare systems and collating experience and research results as well as identifying good practices and helping to shape developments in the field of early childhood education and care.

In this way, the ICEC supports the international transfer of knowledge, political concepts and experience, thereby enabling Germany to draw on insights from other countries. In this connection, the ICEC is also actively involved in international panels and networks in the field of early childhood education and care.

The ICEC acts as an intermediary between national and international organizations examining questions of early childhood education and care from the point of view of scientific research, professional practice and policy-making.