National Day for Truth and Reconciliation and Orange Shirt Day

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30 Sep 2021 - 12:00am
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On September 30th, join us in honouring Orange Shirt Day and recognizing the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, no matter where you are! 

The Caring Society has partnered with the Assembly of Seven Generations, Project of Heart and Beechwood Cemetery to bring together a day of education, reflection and action towards reconciliation. Read more below about these organizations and how they are working towards reconciliation. Use the links to take part in education and justice-based events happening at Beechwood Cemetery, whether at home, at school, or in your community! 

Educational Resources for Justice and Reconciliation
Spirit Bear and Children Make History film (Available for free between September 27 and October 1)

Spirit Bear and Children Make History read by Dr. Cindy Blackstock

Spirit Bear and Children Make History read in Carrier by Dorothy Patrick

Additional educational resources and links to our initiatives

At our Beechwood event, there will be live readings of Spirit Bear: Echoes of the Past. Please see the links below for access to the free e-book version in English, French, and Algonquin. These resources are available online only until October 1st, 2021. 

Reconciling History

Beginning in 2014, Beechwood Cemetery, Funeral, and Cremation Services and the Beechwood Cemetery Foundation have collaborated with local First Peoples to create the Reconciling History program. Beechwood has partnered with the First Nations Child & Family Caring Society and KAIROS Canada.

With the ultimate goal of education and awareness, Beechwood strives to show both sides of history by not excluding the impact many prominent Canadians buried in our grounds had on First Nations, Métis, and Inuit. Rather, Beechwood chooses to highlight both their achievements and their shortcomings to provide a holistic view of history. A selection of the stops on the tour have been recorded and are available below. 

Reconciling History Tour:
Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce (Video 1)
Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce (Video 2)
William Scott
Duncan Campbell Scott
Nicolas Flood Davin

Project of Heart

To learn more about Project of Heart and see a sampling of the tiles that will be on display at the memory labyrinth on September 30th, check out the virtual tour of previous exhibitions!

Assembly of Seven Generations

The Assembly of Seven Generations is an Indigenous and youth-led non-profit organization focused on cultural support and empowerment programs/policies for Indigenous youth. Please visit their website for more information about what they do!


To take action on or before September 30th, write a letter to Dr. Bryce outlining your personal commitments for reconciliation. Mail your letters to: 
Dr. Peter Henderson Bryce
Beechwood Cemetery 
280 Beechwood Avenue
Ottawa, ON, K1L 8A6 

We also encourage people of all ages to write to their elected representatives and the Prime Minister to urge them to fully implement the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. A letter template is available below. You can find the Calls to Action in child friendly language here. 

You can also visit our website for 7 Free Ways to Make a Difference for more information on how to take up initiatives with your communities!

Letter template for elected officials

Spirit Bear Echoes of the Past - EN

Spirit Bear: echos du passe - FR

Spirit Bear: Echoes of the Past - Algonquin