
CCAAC at the People's Social Forum

Event date: 
22 Aug 2014 - 4:30am to 23 Aug 2014 - 7:00am


The Child Care Advocacy Association of Canada will present a workshop on child care as a women's equality issue at the People's Social Forum Women's Caucus in Ottawa. This workshop will look at how child care supports women and their families and participants will be invited to consider how comprehensive, affordable, quality child care is essential to women's equality and how to make child care a priority issue for the 2015 federal election.

Date: August 22, 2014
Time: 4:30 - 6:00 PM
Location: Thomson Building RM 133

Dominique Arbez, CCAAC Manitoba representative, will be speaking on behalf of the CCAAC at the Public Services Assembly.

Date: August 23, 2014
Time: 4:00 - 7:00 PM
Location: Arts 033


Child care: It's everyone's issue - Rally

Event date: 
6 Sep 2014 - 11:00am

We Are Oshawa is launching a grassroots campaign on child care with a rally at Conservative MP Colin Carrie's constituency office on Saturday, September 6th at 11AM. Inspired by the national Rethink Child Care campaign, We Are Oshawa is planning to assemble over 300 mothers, fathers, supporters and their children at the rally, each representing about ten families on the wait list for subsidized child care in Durham Region. 

Vist We Are Oshawa for event details  


Walk onto Winnipeg Walkathon (Toronto)

Event date: 
13 Sep 2014 - 10:00am to 1:00pm


Have you heard of the national child care policy conference Child Care 2020: From Vision to Action? The conference is taking place in Winnipeg on November 13 -15, 2014. This conference is an opportunity not to be missed, and we want to come together and help each other get to Winnipeg to represent our field and our communities!

Following our comrades in Ottawa, we are organizing a walk-a-thon as a way for centres or individuals to raise funds to be able to attend or to send a frontline staff, a centre director, a board member or a parent to Child Care 2020 in Winnipeg.

It is so important that service providers, early childhood educators and child care staff attend this conference. Your experiences and perspectives are crucial for building the child care movement and moving child care forward in Canada. But we know that it is expensive and it is difficult to afford when centre budgets are tight and resources are limited.

Find more information and pledge form online.

Contact name: 
Advocates for Progressive Childcare Policy