federal prgorams
The budget in focus: A forum on the changing nature of federal budgets
9:00 am: Introductions (by David Macdonald, Chair)
9:15am - 10:30am: Kevin Page, former Parliamentary Budget Officer
Speaking about his experience as Canada's first Parliamentary Budget Officer, how he envisioned the new office, the challenges he faced, and the future of the PBO.
10:30am - 10:45am: Coffee break
10:45 - Noon: Panel discussion on Budget 2013: An evaluation of Budget 2013's primary measures and how it addresses (or not) the big macro-economic challenges facing Canada.
Peter Devries, Consultant in fiscal policy and co-author of 3dPolicy.ca blog
Mario Seccareccia, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Ottawa
Sylvain Schetagne, National Director of Social and Economic Policy, Canadian Labour Congress