public policy

Early childhood education summit

Montreal Convention Centre
1001 Jean Paul Riopelle Pl
H2Z 1H5 Montreal , QC ,
Event date: 
4 May 2017 - 12:00am to 5 May 2017 - 12:00am


In the wake of the Commission on Early Childhood Education and its report, which was unveiled on February 21, the Association québécoise des CPE, in collaboration with the Institut du Nouveau Monde, invites you to attend the Summit on Early childhood education on 4 and 5 May.

The objective of the Summit is to follow up on the report of the Commission on Early Childhood Education. To do this, we want to bring together experts, organizations and associations from the fields of family, education, economy and health. It will provide an opportunity to discuss the findings and recommendations of the report and to identify the most promising consensus to pursue the objectives of family policy.

Your contribution to this exercise is essential since we all share a common goal: to promote equality of opportunity and optimal development of toddlers.

To know all the details about the Summit (program, cost, registration), visit  !
