Today's federal budget included $7 billion in a 10-year funding commitment to support child care across Canada starting in fiscal 2017-2018. After years of federal funding exclusion, long-term funding is welcomed as is the recognition that access to affordable, quality child care is essential for families.
"The multi-year funding commitment is most certainly a good start, investing in children and their care," said Don Giesbrecht, CEO of the Canadian Child Care Federation (CCCF) "Ideally, we would like to see more funds in the first years of the funding commitment, as the need for affordable, accessible, inclusive and high quality child care is pressing for families."
The collaboration and negotiations among the provinces, territories, Indigenous communities and the federal government to ensure that as a nation we are all moving forward and building better child care is essential. It is critical to collectively address the issues of affordability, accessibility, inclusivity and high quality care that will benefit children. Access to affordable, quality child care supports families, increases mother's labour market participation and supports the economy. Canada has long lagged behind the OECD's recommended public investments in early childhood of 1% of GDP, which would put Canada on par with countries with fully developed systems of early childhood education and care.
Marni Flaherty, CCCF Chair added, "We are pleased that Canada's federal government has taken this significant first step in committing to a multi-year funding plan. Moving forward, creating fundamental changes in how Canada supports the middle class - and all families - in accessing high quality and affordable child care will require increased funding, planning and coordination."
The CCCF urges the federal government to work with the provinces, territories, Indigenous communities and with the child care sector over the next year to develop a robust long-term funding plan for child care in advance of the next federal budget.
-reprinted from Marketwired