Ontario's Early Years Centres are getting a rebranding - and 100 new locations.
The province on Tuesday announced that it will be opening the new "EarlyON" sites over the next three years, and renaming existing sites, spending $140 million a year.
Like the current Ontario Early Years parenting and literacy centres - which can be located in local schools - families will be able to access programs for young children and parenting supports.
"Our new EarlyON centres will be innovative hubs for early years programs and services for families," said Indira Naidoo-Harris, the minister responsible for early years and child care, in a written statement.
"These family centres are part of our transformative plan to give all children the best possible start in life. They will be a vital resource for thousands of families and children in our communities."
Education Minister Mitzie Hunter called the centres a "one-stop shop, for parents and families, offering helpful information, programs and services - while supporting our vision for child care in Ontario and preparing our youngest learners for future success."
EarlyON Child and Family Centres will be the new name for early years centres, parenting and family literacy centres, child-care resource centres and "Better Beginnings, Better Futures," all provincially funded initiatives.
The early years centres, which target families with children from birth to age 6, were first opened 15 years ago. Programming is free of charge.
-reprinted from Toronto Star