"As one of the fastest growing municipalities across the country, the Region of Waterloo continues to create more high-quality child care spaces across the community," said Regional Chair Karen Redman. "We know that we can't grow this community without the support of child care workers. They play an essential role in nurturing our youngest residents."
Recently, the Region teamed up with Conestoga College to host Waterloo Region's annual Early Years Professional Learning Day for ECEs and early years professionals to learn and network through workshops and keynote speakers. Providing well-educated ECEs and early years professionals with access to ongoing high quality professional learning is critical to ensuring that our youngest citizens receive the care and education they deserve.
The event was well received by the 1,700 attendees who access most of their professional learning on their own time and cost. Support and events like this recognize the importance of ECEs and early years professionals and help to broaden their access to professional learning.