Complete articles available in print for order (see SOURCE). Abstracts available online.
Special issue features research on the association between child care quality and children's development. The articles address the ways in which quality can best be measured; the nature, reliability and causal implications of the assocation between quality and child development; and the strength of the association. (Burchinal et al's results on child care quality for children considered at-risk is especially interesting.)
- The effects of quality of care on child development
by Michael Lamb
- Characteristics and quality of child care for toddlers and preschoolers
by the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Early Child Care Research Network
- The production of quality in child-care center: Another look
by David Blau
- Children's social and cognitive development and child-care quality: Testing for differential associations related to poverty, gender, or ethnicity
by Margaret R. Burchinal, Ellen Peisner-Feinberg, Donna M. Bryant & Richard Clifford
- Early child care experiences and children's social competence between 1 1/2 and 15 years of age
by Jessica Campbell, Michael Lamb & C. Phillip Hwang