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Public policy and public funding implications of child care research

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Presentation to Columbia Institute's Beyond the Status Quo Conference
Anderson, Lynell
Publication Date: 
28 Mar 2008

Excerpts from the presentation:

There is conclusive evidence that:
1. If quality child care services, all children benefit &em; vulnerable children additional benefits
2. Benefits &em; for both targeted and universal approaches - outweigh costs
3. Vulnerability across socioeconomic spectrum

Positive return on public investment if quality, universal child care services achieved

Three key points:
1. While fragile, existing community assets (programs and people) provide starting place
2. Fundamental shift in public policy, funding and accountability for public goals required &em; grounded in evidence and community, OECD recommendations
3. We can do it (and if we don't, the child care issue won't go away).