Excerpt from the document:
How Does Learning Happen? Ontario's Pedagogy for the Early Years is a professional learning resource guide about learning through relationships for those working with young children and families. It is intended to support pedagogy and curriculum/program development in early years programs
How Does Learning Happen? is for those who work with and care for young children (from birth to 8 years of age) in child care and child and family programs. It may also serve as a useful resource for those working with children in other contexts. This resource guide is intended to inspire educators and administrators in early years settings and to ignite critical reflection and discussion. Incorporating a shared understanding of the roles of the educator, child, and family, it provides goals for children and expectations for programs in a chart format. The examples are by no means exhaustive but rather are intended as a starting point for thinking about the types of environments, experiences, and interactions that support each goal and program expectation. This pedagogical document also includes questions for reflection - a section that challenges educators and administrators to discuss and reflect on their taken-for-granted beliefs and practices and to take on the role of researchers, applying new ideas from theory and research to their existing knowledge.