Excerpted from survey description:
Purpose(s) and Objective(s) of the Research:
In this research, we aim to gather data from ECEC professionals currently employed in the childcare sector within Canada for the purpose of realizing a better understanding of how to improve the work satisfaction and retention of ECEC professionals.
For this particular study, you will be asked some questions regarding your current employment and how you feel about certain aspects of that job. Your individual responses will be kept entirely confidential, and respondents will remain completely anonymous. The data collected will be used to produce a Capstone, EMBA 900 Research Paper, required for the completion of the EMBA program, and included in a presentation required for the EMBA 900 course. Also, the data may be used in a published academic periodical.
This research will be conducted within the month of February 2022 and will require participants across Canada to finish their survey by February 20, 2022. The survey is expected to take 30 minutes. The respondents will remain anonymous. Please feel free to ask any questions regarding the procedures and goals of the study or your role by email to MGL087@uregina.ca