children playing

Online Document Catalogue: Research, policy and practice

Research, policy and practice materials include scholarly research, policy studies, briefs, government, advocacy and NGO reports. This list is sorted by most recently added entries to the Catalogue, to the oldest.

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Prentice, Susan, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  1 Jan 1996 Canada, Ontario
Friesen, Bruce, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  1 Jan 1995 Canada
Doherty, Gillian, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  1 May 1994 Ontario
Mumford, Karen & Parera-Nicolau, Antonia, University of York,  1 Apr 2003 Europe
Collins, Grainne & Wickham, James, Trinity College Dublin,  1 May 2001 Europe
Bellm, Dan; Burton, Alice; Whitebook, Marcy; Broatch, Linda & Young, Marci, Center for the Child Care Workforce 1 Oct 2002 United States
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 6 Nov 2002 Australia and New Zealand, Europe
Unicef Innocenti Research Centre, Unicef Innocenti Research Centre,  25 Nov 2002 International
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) 4 Nov 2002
Toronto Children and Youth Action Committee, Toronto Children and Youth Action Committee,  30 Nov 2002 Ontario
Canadian Policy Research Networks 3 Jan 2003 Asia, Canada, Quebec, Europe, United States
Barnett, W. Steven & Masse, Leonard N., National Institute for Early Education Research 1 Oct 2002 United States
Various, Canadian Council on Social Development,  1 Apr 2003 Canada
Marshall, Katherine, Statistics Canada,  21 Mar 2003 Canada
Government of Saskatchewan, Government of Saskatchewan,  26 Mar 2003 Saskatchewan
Tougas, Jocelyne, Childcare Resource and Research Unit,  1 Apr 2002 Canada, Quebec
Giannarelli, Linda; Adelman, Sarah & Schmidt, Stefanie R., The Urban Institute, Assessing the New Federalism Project 7 Feb 2003 United States
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services, Government of Canada,  31 May 2002 Canada
Federal/Provincial/Territorial Ministers Responsible for Social Services, Government of Canada, Social Union website,  13 Mar 2003 Canada